  • Jennifer is a positive and charismatic dietitian who specializes in the outpatient treatment/prevention of eating disorders, disordered eating and body image.  She believes every person’s journey with food and their bodies is unique and her goal is to help people build that healthy relationship to empower them to lead the best lives possible.  Diets don’t work, healthy eating and body positivity does.  She honours intuitive and mindful eating and the HAES (Health At Every Size) principles in her practice and believes ALL foods fit and ALL bodies are valuable.


    Her home office near the University of Victoria is a safe, private space for anyone to come and work together with her.  Counselling available: eating disorders/disordered eating (youth and adults), general nutrition, vegetarianism, GI health, food allergies, diabetes and sports nutrition.  She does presentations in her local high schools and community on good nutrition, eating disorder prevention, positive body image and sports nutrition.


    A unique aspect she adds to her nutrition counselling, if desired, is a style and fashion consultation to help aid in the development of a more positive body image.  All genders and identities are respected and celebrated.

Interesting Facts

I love dressing up in costumes and messing about with vintage clothes, 70's disco being my favourite. I am a huge Madonna-phile and love karaoke and Pride parades. The outdoors feeds my soul too and hiking, volleyball, windsurfing and kiteboarding give me the most joy when I'm out there. Dogs or cats? Dogs. I respect cats but we don't understand each other.

Empowering people, especially young women, to develop a healthy relationship with food and their bodies is my passion and I’d be honoured to work with you on your journey towards better health and general fabulousness!

Spotlight on Our Dietitian Members
Credentials and Experience

BSc Dietetics - UBC (University of British Columbia)
Dietetic Intership - GVHS (Greater Victoria Hospital Society)
Member of College of Dietitians of BC and Dietitians of Canada

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