Picture of Tricia Lee

Tricia Lee

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Tricia Lee

I’m a mom of three teenage daughters, 2 fur babies and 1 cat so nothing scares me:). I enjoy being in nature, skiing with my husband and swimming. I love refining recipes to be healthier. Raising my special needs daughter has taught me to appreciate the on going food challenges. As a mom of a special needs child I have experienced the daily struggles of providing a varied diet based on her needs and skills. I bring 25 years of experience in pediatrics to provide you with nutritional guidance and support for your child. My goal is to help you feel more confident in managing your child’s nutritional intake whether it is oral feeding or using a tube feeds.  I am able to help guide you with your decision to use use formula or a blenderized homemade tube feed diet  I can help fill in the gaps where nutrient needs

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