Picture of Sandra Kilmartin

Sandra Kilmartin

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Sandra Kilmartin

Sandra is a running sports dietitian and International Olympic Committee graduate. Sandra wanted to combine her athletic experience with her passion for nutrition to help athletes of all ages fuel their training, recovery, performance, and busy lives. That’s why she started No Sweat Nutrition. Whether you are working towards your next marathon pb or just starting on your exercise journey, Sandra can develop a nutrition plan that suits your lifestyle and goals. -Fuelling and hydration strategies for sport performance including training, recovery, competition/race day, and daily life. -Injury recovery and rehabilitation -Gastrointestinal issues including “runners stomach”, constipation, Celiac disease, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). -Low Energy Availability (LEA), Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (REDs), and hypothalamic amenorrhea recovery -Iron deficiency and anemia -Pediatric nutrition for active children, youth, and adolescents -Varsity and college athletes -Pregnant athletes -Masters athletes -Sports performance and dietary supplement recommendations -Vegetarian and vegan athletes Sandra works

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Course: The Period Recovery Project

The complete self-paced online program to help you heal from hypothalamic amenorrhea. Get your period back in 6 steps… even if you’re an athlete in an active training program, have a competitive performance goal, or can’t stand the thought of quitting the gym. The course is now LIVE! More info & sign up: https://www.drkatrinaallisonnd.com/the-period-recovery-project   The PERIOD RECOVERY PROJECT  The Period Recovery Project is a 6-step online course to arm athletes & active women (like you!) with the tools to heal your hormones, regain your periods and recover from hypothalamic amenorrhea. In this course, we peel back the curtains and show you exactly how to: Get the assessment and explanation you deserve for why you are missing your period Create your unique recovery plan, and commit to seeing it through Overcome food hang-ups, body image barriers, and fuel your body like an athlete Harness the power of your hormones to

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