  • I am a Private Practice Dietitian who literally eats, sleeps and breathes subtype-specific management of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and is a Monash trained Low FODMAP Dietitian for IBS.

    Fun fact: I have IBS-D myself, and I know what my clients can through with their tummy drama.

    It's why Jess Nourishes and my IBS-focus is my passion...and I can't wait to serve you.

    If you haven't already, head to jessnourishes.com and grab one of my free IBS Mini-Guides (pick the one that describes you most: IBS with Diarrhea (IBS-D), IBS with Constipation (IBS-C), IBS with Mixed Bowels (IBS-M), or IBS that doesn't quite fit into one of the above (IBS-U).

    If you suspect SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) grab the guide that describes your main bowel habit, or, just grab the IBS-U Guide to start.

    Not sure? There is a quiz on my website to help you clarify which subtype might describe you best.

    Simply fill out the little pop up or the form on my site, and 19 pages of bloat-busting, IBS-friendly food and gut health gold will be delivered directly to your inbox.

    With my training from Monash University, and my strategies learned through personal experience, I coach my IBS-D, IBS-C, and IBS-M clients on the Low FODMAP Diet, and use a holistic approach to manage digestive symptoms such as gas, bloating, diarrhea or loose stools, reflux, constipation, and abdominal pain.

    If you're looking for help with the Low FODMAP Diet, intuitive eating, bloat-reducing foods & menu inspiration, (and often times matching your food sensitivities and food intolerances to the right digestive enzymes), you've come to the right profile my friend.

    More ways to get in touch with me: Follow my Instagram @jess_nourishes where you will find bloat-reducing recipes, tips and laughs.

    I also have an AMAZING free Facebook community for women Club Jess Nourishes that you can join right now.

    I'm an advocate of balancing intuitive eating with the Low FODMAP Diet for touchy tummies for those living with IBS, Endometriosis, or those undergoing treatment for SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth), and more, so drop me an email and ask away!

    I like mail :)

    Lastly, I love to share my IBS/Digestive Nutrition knowledge and expertise with organizations, fellow health care practitioners and other groups. So if you'd like me to connect with your family doctor or health clinic, please share my website with them. I

    f you feel like we might be a good fit, get in touch today, and let's turn that IBS tummy drama into gut nirvana.

    ...Because while there is no cure or IBS remedy, there are so many tools & tactics I'm waiting to enthusiastically share with you, that I'm confident you'll forget the last time you had a life-interrupting, embarrassing, unpredictable and painful episode.



Interesting Facts

I'm a Registered Dietitian and online IBS-D Coach, who has a singular (and slightly obsessive, in the best way) goal:

To help you feel comfortable in your body, and not be able to recall the last time you were caught off guard by life-interrupting, embarrassing, and painful tummy troubles related to your subtype of IBS (diarrhea, mixed, or constipated-predominant IBS).


...Because I 'get it'.

I've been there.

I used to struggle with a bloated belly, and other uncomfortable and joy-draining digestive symptoms from my subtype of IBS (diarrhea-predominant).

Please believe me when I say that Irritable Bowel Syndrome CAN be managed with the right information and practical tools for your specific subtype: IBS-D (my personal favourite, because that's me!), IBS-M, IBS-C, or IBS-U (and with or without involvement of SIBO and food chemical intolerances).

Now it's my life's work to take the THOUSANDS of hours of research, recipe development, and continuing education I have had over the years and direct it right back at supporting hundreds of clients, like you, in navigating the overwhelming world of IBS.

I'd be honoured to serve you and your unique digestive goals.

Credentials and Experience

BSc. Biology
BSc. Food, Nutrition & Health, Dietetics

Service Delivery
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Open Hours Today: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Toggle Hours
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  • February 7, 2025 11:38 am local time

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