Recently, Canada has been exploring the idea of putting diabetes (for some people living with certain types of diabetes) into remission. What does that mean and what does that process look like?
Let’s start off with going through A1C.
I like to think of Hbg A1C as a measurement of the amount of sugar on the red blood cells. It can help us determine, on average, how the blood sugars are changing over 3 months.
Typically, this A1C is recommended to check every 3 months in people living with diabetes. It’s useful to explore both the actual A1C number, as well as the trends in A1C.
Want to know more about your A1C?
When is Diabetes in Remission?
We are currently exploring the idea of putting T2DM into remission. Diabetes Remission can be defined as improved glycemic control, using A1C level less than or equal to 6.5% without pharmacological agents.
Typically, blood sugars / A1C need to remain below 6.5 % and maintained at this for a period of time (a minimum of 3 months). One single A1C result less than 6.5 % is great work, but not typically considered remission.
Remission often requires substantial commitment.
How to Put Diabetes in Remission?
Typically, remission may be possible if:
- You have been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes for less than 6 years
- Are able to lose weight if you’re over weight (there’s a lot of factors that can influence weight loss- let’s chat more about this!)
- A1C ranges from 6.0-6.5% for a period of time
- Are not taking insulin
Book with me to explore the possibilities that might work for you, but typically, it can be a mix of interventions such as altered food intakes, physical activity (sometimes high physical activity) and possibly bariatric surgery for some individuals.
Diabetes remission isn’t right for everyone and it’s not a cure.
We don’t want you to be experiencing hypoglycemia just to get your A1C down to 6.0 – 6.5 % – this can come with more complications than its benefits.
For more, you can read:
Remission of Type 2 Diabetes (
- PhD, D. M., PhD, C. C., & Kaberi Dasgupta MD, M. F. (2022). Remission of Type 2 Diabetes. Canadian Journal of Diabetes, 753-761.
- Ralph A. DeFronzo, M., Curtis L. Triplitt, P. C., Muhammad Abdul-Ghani, M., & Eugenio Cersosimo, M. (2014). Novel Agents for the Treatment fo Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes Spectrum American Diabetes Association, 100-112.

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