A Simple Secret to Feeling Better About Yourself WITHOUT Weight Loss

Do you ever feel like you just can’t catch a break? 

Like no matter what you do, you can’t seem to shake that feeling of being down on yourself? 


Trust me, I know the feeling. It’s hard to keep your spirits up when it feels like everything is working against you. 

But here’s the thing: You have to be your own biggest supporter. You have to be the one person who believes in yourself and more importantly, shows up for yourself, even when nobody else does. 

And the best way to do that is by creating habits that make you feel good about yourself regardless of how busy you are!

So today, I want to share with you my favourite rule for consistent habits to feel better. 

Feeling Better About Yourself Without Weight Loss Starts Here

Figure out those non-negotiables and stick to them!

First thing’s first what is a non-negotiable? 

We’re talking habits and goals – they’re things you will not skip for ANYTHING. That means not your partner, not your kids, not your friends. Nothing! Unless it’s an emergency.

Because… those non-negotiables make you a better person and help you show up in your everyday life for yourself and your loved ones. 

You have probably heard about the air mask analogy – when the plane is in trouble, you need to put your mask on FIRST to be of any help to those around you. Without oxygen, you won’t be the best partner, parent, friend, or neighbour! 

Establishing habits as non-negotiable commitments allows you to feel your best, and it won’t matter how busy you get – you’re still doing them!

It’s the simplest strategy there is to feel good about yourself and your habits even when you aren’t able to do it all.

So, how do you figure out what yours are? 

  • What makes you feel the best? This could be physical, emotional, mental or spiritually. 
  • You also want to make sure they’re things that are attainable for you. Because remember, you can’t skip ‘em!

Now that you have been inspired, I’d recommend to only choose 3-5 habits you can do no matter how busy your life gets. ⠀

Remember that all of the other habits & goals you have are worthwhile. They make you feel good, but there are times where it definitely feels like there is just not enough time for every aspect of your health. 

This way, you’ve got your tried and true, and you won’t get overwhelmed at all the options regarding every aspect of your health. Only you can decide which daily habits have you feeling your best! 


My non-negotiables are:⠀

  • 7-8 hours of sleep
    • This one can be tough when I have a lot going o. but it is important for me because it sets the tone for the next day or the following week! 
  • Eating high fibre foods because your girl has got a sensitive GI tract
    • For me, this means beans, lentils, nuts/seeds, fruits, and vegetables. It doesnt have to be all of them within a day but it makes me feel a lot better when I incorporate those foods at least 1 meal per day. 
  • Moving my body
    • This could include something higher intensity like boxing or it could be going for a walk with my dogs. It depends on how I feel and the time I have ⠀ ⠀ 

Note that many of the examples I listed included flexibility. None of those options included being perfect at all 3 meals or working out for 2 hours a day regardless of how I feel. 

By sticking to your non-negotiables when life gets crazy, you won’t swing between being “perfect” or “off-track”! You won’t end up feeling drained, bloated, dissatisfied, grumpy or neglected by the end of the week or month than if you don’t focus on your own needs consistently.

Remember, while this is a simple strategy it doesn’t mean that it is easy. Staying consistent with your non-negotiables may also feel very uncomfortable for you! Here are some affirmations to remind yourself (and remind yourself often) that you too deserve to have your needs met.

Affirmations to Remind Yourself

  • I show up fully for myself in order to show up fully for others
  • I am worth the extra time & effort of self-care
  • I deserve rest & relaxation regardless of how much I get done today.

So today, I shared my favourite rule for creating habits that make you feel good about yourself regardless of how busy you are. These habits will help improve your mood and your overall sense of wellbeing. And the best part is, they’re simple!


If you’d like more information on how to start implementing these changes into your life, schedule a free clarity call with me.

I would love to chat with you about how we can work together to create a plan that makes you feel confident and happy in your own skin – without dieting or deprivation.

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